Even though initially, only developed countries felt concerned, WHO estimates that two-thirds of worldwide population aged over 60 years old will come from low and middle-income countries in 2050. Consequently, the problem of ageing population concerns all of us.
So, why is « well-ageing » so important?
Ageing alterates different neurobiological and physiological processes, as well as behaviour.Changes appear gradually and impact our entire organism: the first (and feared) wrinkles apparition, and around 45 years old, the first signs of cognitive performance decline (memory, concentration, reasoning) – although we are not all equal! (1)
From 40 years old, arrive the first knees, back, neck and joint mobility loss…And yes, you think you’re too young, but it is a damper! (2)
Accelerating factors of ageing…
Today, our society doesn’t help. At our era of « ultra-processed food », about 16 % of adults worldwide are diagnosed obese (BMI >30). 1/3 of adult population doesn’t practice the weekly recommended physical activity, with high or moderate intensity (which is 150 minutes, by the way), which represents 1,4 billion of people3. These factors only exacerbate premature ageing at a time when we are living longer.
Ageing well and in full possession of our faculties: a function and mobility question
Without our dear joints, no possibility of mobility: we would be nothing but a pile of bones, which would not be very convenient. Unfortunately, for all of us, with ageing appear mobility reduction and joint pain which can become incapacitating for a part, or all daily movements.
« Osteoarthritis is not an evitable consequence of ageing », according to World Health Organisation (WHO).
Accordingly, we invite you to discover our white-paper dedicated to mobility.
Références :
1- Singh-Manoux, A., Kivimaki, M., Glymour, M. M., Elbaz, A., Berr, C., Ebmeier, K. P., Ferrie, J. E., & Dugravot, A. (2012). Timing of onset of cognitive decline : results from Whitehall II prospective cohort
study. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 344, d7622. https ://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.d7622
2- Yao, Q., Wu, X., Tao, C. et al. Osteoarthritis : pathogenic signaling pathways and therapeutic targets. Sig Transduct Target Ther 8, 56 (2023). https ://doi.org/10.1038/s41392-023-01330-w
3- OMS : https ://www.who.int/fr/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/physical-activity